虽然生活方式因素并不是乳腺癌的唯一预测因素,但它们确实起到了一定的作用. The following can help reduce your risk:

Maintain a healthy weight

病人 who are overweight, especially after menopause, have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. 研究人员认为,这是因为脂肪组织可以产生雌激素(雌激素暴露与乳腺癌有关)。.


Any amount of alcohol increases your risk for breast cancer. 研究表明,饮酒越多,患乳腺癌的风险就越高.

Avoiding alcohol is ideal, but if you do choose to consume it:

  • Limit yourself to no more than three to five servings per week.
  • 确保每天从饮食中摄入至少400微克的叶酸, supplementation (folic acid is the supplement form) or both. 摄入足够的叶酸 appears to lower the increased risk 从酒精.



  • 每周进行150到300分钟中等强度的运动(你可以一边谈话一边做的运动), or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity, or a combination of the two
  • 每周进行两次力量训练和伸展运动,以提高平衡性和柔韧性
  • Limiting sedentary activities, such as watching TV


我们建议以富含全谷物、蔬菜、水果和豆类的植物性饮食为主. 在你的饮食中加入颜色鲜艳或味道浓烈的蔬菜和水果. 少吃红肉和加工过的肉,少喝含糖饮料和苏打水,少吃富含脂肪和淀粉的加工食品.

For new mothers, consider breastfeeding

研究表明,母乳喂养至少一年与降低患乳腺癌的风险有关. 然而,是否母乳喂养宝宝是一个个人的决定. 母乳喂养可能会略微降低患乳腺癌的风险,这只是需要权衡的众多因素之一.


尽管吸烟和乳腺癌风险之间的联系还没有明确确立, 人们强烈反对吸烟,因为吸烟明显会增加患心脏病和肺癌的风险.


尽管没有证据表明压力和乳腺癌风险升高之间存在联系, reducing stress levels likely benefits overall health. Helpful practices include:

  • Deep breathing and meditation
  • Regular exercise that includes stretching
  • Taking breaks from news reports and social media
  • Seeking help from a psychologist, 社会工作者或专业咨询师,如果你面临持续的高水平压力